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Version 7 .pdf27 DCMR Ch. 39 - Covered Contractors PrincipalsIn response to the adoption of the new Chapter 39 (Restrictions on Political Contributions by Contractors and Prospective Contractors) to Title 27 (Contracts and Procurement) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR), and Section 3907.2(a), Required Actions By Contracting Authorities, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) maintains the publicly available list of all covered contractors, including their principals, for the contracts of the OCFO.
Initial Version .pdfClean Hands - MyTax.DC.Gov for Business & DC ResidentsInfo to request Clean Hands Certificate through the portal for Business and DC Residents
Initial Version .pdfClean Hands - MyTax.DC.Gov for Non-ResidentsInfo to request Clean Hands Certificate via for Non-Residents.
Version 11 .docxCobbleStone Vendor Self-Registration GuideCobbleStone Vendor Self-Registration Guide
Initial Version .pdfDES Certification CBE Search Instructions Flyer May 30, 2018How to find a CBE.
Initial Version .pdfFinancial Administrative Issuance 19-02Financial Management and Control Order No. 19-02 (Exempt Gaming Contract)
Initial Version .pdfFinancial Management and Control Order No. 03-002Financial Management and Control Order No. 03-002 (Legal Services Rules)
Version 2 .pdfFinancial Management and Control Order No. 15-14 (Benefit Plans Rules)Financial Management and Control Order No. 15 - 14 (Benefit Plan Rules)
Initial Version .pdfGateway Login Activtated - March 1, 2019 
Version 2 .pdfIRS W-9 Form (ver 2019)Please make sure your company info. matches the Vendor Registration form when completing.
Initial Version .pdfNotice - Contract Award Relocation February 21, 2018Moving from Google webpage to CobbleStone e-Procurement Cloud platform
Initial Version .pdfNotice - FY19 -Present Solicitations 10012018Notice that FY-19 to present solicitations are posted CobbleStone Vendor Gateway and where to find solicitations prior to FY'19.
Initial Version .pdfNotice E-Invoicing 05292018Information on submitting invoices for DC Government.
Initial Version .pdfOCFO Small Purchasing GuidelinesOffice of the Chief Financial Officers' (OCFO) - Small Purchasing guidelines
Initial Version .pdfProcurement Authority in the OCFOOCFO Procurement Authority
Initial Version .pdfRevised CCH Webinar 04092020New date posted for the Office of Tax & Revenue City Clean Hands (CCH) Webinar. New date is April 9th , from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST.
Version 5 .pdfVendor FAQVendor frequently asked questions to registering for OCFO Vendor Gateway.
Version 4 .docxVendor Registration FormComplete the attached form by typing in your company info. Note: MFA requires cellphone numbers of all Points of Contact Also, complete the W-9 form as well. Make sure both documents have the same as when filing with the IRS.