Contract Details
Contracts: Contracts - Public Search: Contract Details (ID: 2209)
1. Main Details

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23-C-024 - Mod 4 - Records Retention - OY1.pdfMOD 4 - Exercise OY14/9/2024 2:25:52 PM
23-C-024 - Mod 3.pdfMOD3 - Correct administrative error for Mod 1 and Mod 2.1/4/2024 9:38:56 AM
23-C-024 - Mod 2 - Records Retention.pdfMOD2 - Revise Schedule B CLIN 2, correct admin error by decrease of contract amount and incorporation of Section H.121/4/2024 9:37:26 AM
23-C-024 - Mod 1 - Records Retention.pdfMOD 1 - Change requirements 8/22/2023 10:34:47 AM
23-C-024 - Contract.pdfCFOPD-23-C-024 - Contract8/22/2023 10:07:48 AM
23-C-024 - DF Responsibility.pdfCFOPD-23-C-024 - DF RESP8/22/2023 10:07:31 AM
23-C-024 - DF Price.pdfCFOPD-23-C-024 - DF PRICE8/22/2023 10:07:13 AM

There are currently no notes on this contract.
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